Hiker's Two
Regenerative Broadcast Receiver

This is my homebuilt version of
the 2-tube broadcast band regenerative receiver based on the
space charge technique as used in the Hiker's Two radio developed in
New Zealand in 1937. You can read more about the Hiker's radios
at this website. http://www.oldradios.co.nz/hikers

It uses a pair of 49 tubes
(included) and operates with a 1.5 volt D-cell and a 9 volt transistor
radio battery (also included).

Features hand rubbed lacquer on the
well-made cabinet with box cut corners. All the wiring and
hardware is brass. The front panel brass has been 'antiqued' for
that vintage appeal.

Under the hood you'll find an extra
high quality National DX tuning capacitor and a vintage Dubilier
capacitor/grid leak mount. Tuning knob is a great 4 inch AMCO
type for accurate tuning. The batteries are self-contained,
hidden inside the little box shown in the rear photo.

You'll have a ball tuning around
the old time way with this little set. You'll need an outdoor
antenna and a good set of high impedance headphones like were used back
then. I can copy more than a dozen stations at my location during
the day and plenty more at night.